Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Unpublished Work Almost 20 Years Ago

Note: My Ph.D. thesis at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) was about numerical simulation on how material breaks due to faults (such as cracks) propagation. The numerical method used is based on the theory of so called Finite Element Analysis. To start off, one needs to digitize the object. In my case, I studied the digitization of the material so that I can apply the physical laws/equations to it. The digitization or discretization (from the word of discrete) is also termed as mesh generation in this field. I worked with Dr. Parviz Navi together for coming out a very simple algorithm for the 2-dimensional mesh generation for any type of irregular shapes of heterogeneous material. In fact, this algorithm can be extended to 3-dimensional situation in a rather straightforward fashion.

Coincidentally, sometime after moving to Tampa in 1995, I found that a very similar effort was carried out at Microsoft Lab as part of a project titled as "Surface Reconstruction", which was used for developing games. Very recently, the similar technology is being used for 3D printing (a very promising emerging technology), as a 3D model can be represented by a series of triangular shapes before making it to a real part through 3D printer.

Unfortunately, the algorithm of mesh generation or surface reconstruction (no matter how it is called) that Dr. Parviz Navi and I developed almost 20 years ago has never been officially published. What happened was we wanted to publish it on an academic journal. I wrote the majority of a draft describing the algorithm, and waiting for Dr. Navi to write the first section as an introduction. However, he never finished this section by any reasons. I would like to put the original draft as my blog for the memory of an unforgettable period of my time living in Switzerland. 

(some notations are messed up due to HTML being not able to represent Greek letters.)


The method of the triangle mesh generation proposed in this article will be described here. Section 2.1 will give the definitions and observations made about triangle generation. Next we will be discussing about the triangulation. Finally the optimization methods that we have been using is introduced.

2.1 Definitions and Observations

Throughout this paper, we will use the terminology as exterior and interior boundaries, fixed points, movable points and connections. Their definitions are given as follows.

Exterior boundary:  a line that outlines the outermost shape of a domain.
Interior boundary:  a line that outlines a void inside a domain.
Fixed points:  points used to define the boundary of a domain to be meshed. The boundary can be exterior or in interior.
Movable points:  points inside a domain. The position of the movable points will be shifted up to the optimization criterion.
Connection:  a straight line connecting one point to the other. Connections are grouped as fixed and non-fixed connections.
Fixed connection:  a connection between two fixed points. The fixed connections online either an exterior or interior boundary.
Non-fixed connection:  a connection between a fixed point and a non-fixed point, or between two non-fixed points.

Figure 2.1 shows graphically the fixed, movable points and connections.

Fig. 2.1  Definition of fixed, movable points and connections.

In our case, the mesh consists of triangles. We have observed that the triangular mesh is completely determined by two variables. One is represented by a set of the positions of the movable points, the other are connections. We name the two variables as  Sp and Sc respectively. There is one and only one triangular mesh corresponding to a given set of the positions and connections. Figure 2.2 sketches the relationship among Sp, Sc and the corresponding meshes.

Fig. 2.2  Schematic representation of relationship among the positions of movable points (Sp), their connections (Sc) and corresponding meshes.

As it is shown in Figure 2.2, a set of different possible positions and their connections will result in different meshes. Usually, these meshes do not meet with the precision requirement of calculation without undergoing an optimization process. The optimization process will improve the performance of the mesh.  Hence, the aim becomes to find an optimized mesh from those with different values of Sp and Sc. The relationship of the positions of the movable points, their connections in terms of the mesh performance is shown in Figure 2.3.  It's possible to achieve this aim by following two different passages, (1) altering the value of Sp, which means to shift the positions of the movable points, and (2) changing the value of Sc, which means to rearrange the connections of the movable points. The optimization methods that we use will be described in Section 2.3.

Fig.2.3 Schematic representation of mesh performance in terms of
position of movable points (Sp), their connections (Sc).

2.2 Triangulation

Before the triangulation starts, the fixed connections (see the definition of the fixed connection in Section 2.1) should be established.  The fixed connections online the boundary of a domain. The boundary can be either exterior or interior.  Next, a simple triangulation method is used. It starts from connecting one point to the other, no matter it is a fixed or movable point.  Figure 2.4(a) shows the possible connections for the point 1 (1-6, 1-3 and 1-5) and the connection for point 2 (2-5).

When connecting one point to the other, the following two criteria must be checked:
  • No connection has been existed for the two points to be connected. This can be further explained by the aid of the example shown in Figure 2.4(a). For instance, before the connection between the point 1 and 6 is established, the program should check if there is already a connection between these two points.  If it's so, then the connection should be aborted.
  • A connection to be established should not intersect with any existing connections. For example, a connection from point 4 to point 5 in Figure 2.4(a) should not be allowed, since it will intersect with the connection 1-3.
After the process of the connection goes through all points, the triangulation is completed. An example of the final triangulation is shown in Figure 2.4(b).

Fig. 2.4  Triangulation – connecting one point with the other.

2.3  Optimization of Triangles

As mentioned above, we optimize a triangular mesh by rearranging the non-fix connections and by changing the movable points' position.  We note that each movable point, in the case of triangular mesh, is surrounded by a polygon (a triangle is also treated as a polygon.).  There are two types of polygon, concave and convex, as shown in Figure 2.5.  Our optimization algorithm needs to know if a polygon is concave or convex.  It is found that in the case of a concave polygon (Figure 2.5(b)), the area constructed by the points 1-2-3 is negative due to clock-wise counting of the points. While, for a convex polygon, the same area calculated by connecting the points 1-2-3 is positive. Therefore, to determine whether a polygon is a concave or convex, successive areas constructed by the points 1-2-3, 2-3-4, etc. (Figure 2.5) are calculated. If an area is negative, then, the polygon is concave. After knowing the type of the polygon surrounding each movable point, we are about to discussing the proposed optimization as follows.

Fig. 2.5  Definition of convex and concave polygon:  (a) Convex; (b) Concave.

2.3.1 Changing the movable points

This optimization is performed for both convex and concave polygons. For a convex polygon, the point inside the polygon will simply be moved to the centroid of the polygon. While for a concave polygon, a two-step process will be followed.  We will use an example shown in Figure 2.6 to explain the two-step process.  The initial triangular elements and concave polygon are shown in Figure 2.6(a). The movable point is labeled by the letter P.

Step 1: The two connections D-E and D-C (connecting to the vertex D of a concave polygon, Figure 2.6) will be extended.  In the example shown in Figure 2.6, the extension of the two connections will insect with other connections of the polygon. The intersection points are I and J, in Figure 2.6.  The extension process results in a convex polygon indicated by A-J-D-I-F.

Step 2: The movable point P will be moved to the centroid of the resulting polygon A-J-D-F, same as we do for other convex polygons.  The final triangular elements are shown in Figure 2.6(b).

It is found that the point P can not be placed outside the polygon A-J-D-I-F, resulted from the extension of the connections D-E and D-C.  Otherwise, one of the connections between the point P and the points A, B, C, D, E, F will intersect with other connections.  For instance, if the point P is placed inside the polygon B-C-D-J, then the connection P-E will intersect with the connection D-C.

As a result that the point P must be inside the convex polygon A-J-D-I-F, question becomes where this point should be placed. We place it at the centroid of the convex polygon, as mentioned in the step 2.

Fig. 2.6  Replacing the movable point P: (a) initial position of the
point P and triangular elements; (b) final position of the point P and triangular elements.

2.3.2  Rearranging the non-fix connections

Rearranging the non-fixed connections are performed only for the convex polygon. Figure 2.7 gives an example of this rearrangement.  Basing on the direct judgement, we know that the connection A-C has to be changed to B-D, shown in Figure 2.7.  This is because the triangle ADB and DCB (Figure 2.7 (b)) is closer to the equilateral triangle than ADC and ACB (Figure 2.7(a)).  However, the direct judgement cannot be coded into a computer program. Hence, for this respect, a more general criterion has been formulated.

Fig. 2.7  Rearranging the movable point's connection.

It is well know that every triangle is well defined by three internal angles, a, b and g.  As a result, a vector can be constructed in the space of a, b and g as = {a, b, g}. Note that a + b + g = 180o, which represents a plane intersecting with a, b and g axis at 180o, shown in Figure 2.8. Any triangle will be a point on the plane, pointed by the corresponding vector of its internal angles.  The point on the plane for an equilateral triangle will be pointed by the vector ={60, 60, 60}.  It can be easily approved that (={60, 60, 60}) is perpendicular to the plane. In other word, the magnitude of for the equilateral triangle will be the minimum among the magnitudes of all

Fig. 2.8  Plane representing any triangle in the space defined by the internal angles a, b and g of triangles.

Hence, to determine if a non-fixed connection should be rearranged, the sum of the magnitudes is calculated forfor the two adjacent triangles.  In the case shown in Figure 2.7 (a), the magnitudes of the vectors for triangles ACB and ADC will be calculated. The sum of the two magnitudes is made. Then, this sum is compared with that for the triangles ADB and BDC, from Figure 2.7(b).  Since the latter is less than the former, the connection A-C (Figure 2.7(a)) will be replaced by B-D (Figure 2.7(b)).

The optimization process of changing the movable points and rearranging the non-fixed connections is performed alternatively. This process is also repeated for a few times. Our experience shows that after several iterations of the optimization, the shape of triangular elements will be improved greatly and stabilized.  The numbers of the movable points changed and of the non-fixed connections rearranged are recorded during the iterations of the optimization process. When the numbers are smaller than a given value, then the iteration can be stopped.  Examples from above-described triangulation and optimization will be shown in the next section.


After giving the triangulation and its optimization algorithms in the last section, we are now in the position to show the results from their applications.  Three examples will be illustrated in this section to show the workability of our triangulation method and the efficiency of the optimization algorithm. A brief discussion will be followed for each example as well.

3.1  Example 1 – a structure of particle reinforced materials

Domains used in this example are composed of two different materials: matrix and irregular grains.  The grains usually have different properties from those of the matrix, for instance, stiffer than the matrix.  As a result, the triangles corresponding to the matrix and grains must be distinguished, before the finite element calculation is performed for the composite.  As the first step to mesh the composite, we generated a set of fixed points for the outer boundary of the composite specimen and for the boundary of grains, as well as a set of the movable points inside the doma0ins.  The result after the operation of the first step is shown in Figure 3.1(a).  Subsequently, the fixed connections are established within the fixed points.  Then, both fixed and movable points are connected each other by the method described in Section 2.2.  The initial triangles are shown in Figure 3.1(b).  Finally, the resulted triangular mesh after an initial optimization and third iteration are respectively shown in Figure 3.1(c) and (d).

Fig. 3.1  Example of triangular mesh generation for a composite.
(a)    Fixed and movable points, as well as fixed connections.
(b)    Initial triangular elements after connecting each points.
(c)    Triangles after first iteration of optimization.
(d)    Triangles after third iteration of optimization.

3.2  Example 2 – a structure of fiber reinforced materials

As shown in the last example, the mesh generation method that we proposed in this article works for any case. It is especially powerful tool for the study of composites.  Here another example of composite – fiber reinforced materials is given.  This material is composed of a matrix and fibers, which are embedded in the matrix with a regular pattern.  Examples of fiber reinforcement materials can be the natural wood material or synthesis fiber reinforced plastic.

Figure 3.2(a) shows the results after the generation of the fixed, movable points and the fixed connections. The initial triangular elements are given in Figure 3.2(b).  The results corresponding to the first and final (third) iterations of optimization are demonstrated in Figure 3.2(c) and (d) respectively.

Fig. 3.2  Example of triangular mesh generation for a fiber reinforced material.
(a) Fixed and movable points, as well as fixed connections.
(b) Initial triangular elements after connecting each points.
(c) Triangles after first iteration of optimization.
(d) Triangles after third iteration of optimization.

3.3  Example 3– Swiss map

The last example given in this paper is the triangular mesh for the map of Switzerland, where our university is from. The outline of the Swiss map is quite irregular.  Same as the previous two examples, we give the fixed, movable points and the fixed connections in Figure 3.3(a).  Note that there is inland lake (named Lake Neuchatel) close to the left frontier of Switzerland.  The initial triangular elements, elements after the first and third (final) iterations of the optimization are illustrated in Figure 3.3(b), (c) and (d) respectively.

Fig. 3.2  Example of triangular mesh generation for Swiss map.
(a) Fixed and movable points, as well as fixed connections.
(b) Initial triangular elements after connecting each points.
(c) Triangles after first iteration of optimization.
(d) Triangles after third iteration of optimization.


In this paper, we have presented a method of triangular mesh generation and algorithms to optimize the resulted triangles.  The method is based on the concepts of fixed and movable points, as well as connections between the points.  A connection is further distinguished into the fixed and non-fixed one.  The fixed connections form the boundary for a domain to be meshed.  The optimization process works on moving the movable points and on rearranging the non-fixed connections.

The studies on the proposed method and the algorithms show that they have the following characteristics and advantages comparing other methods.