Sunday, May 8, 2011

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) - Thought #1

Service oriented architecture is still the topic everywhere in IT. Especially, if you look at any job description of IT architect professions, I bet that you will find this buz word there.

Very recently, I was involved in a discussion with a few techies working for a big insurance company in CA. During the discussion, one of the guys said that SOA is for interoperability. As a courtesy, I didn’t argue with him a lot. However, I was very reserved with his comment.

After the discussion. I felt that I need to put my thought about it straight. Come on, SOA is primarily for business. Business domain knowledge is better to be abstracted as services that can be realized by either atomic or composite service components. The latter are further implemented and automated by IT components / objects. The major purpose of SOA is to make business more automated, flexible and adaptive to changes. 

On the other hand, SOA is not only the Web services (WS) (or SOAP). Web services can be part of implementation of SOA. In other words, implementation of SOA can be achieved with WS/SOAP. I agree with the fact that WS is for the interoperability. But, SOA is not. Just put it simple, if you want to make your whole enterprise SOA architecture interoperable, use ESB (enterprise service bus) or Web service to achieve it.

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