Thursday, May 19, 2011

Politics and Technology

A news two days ago showed that Donald Trump stopped his president candidacy efforts. How coward he is?! He has no courage to even try it. On the other side, it is very obvious from beginning what he has been doing was just to gain more celebrity and publicity. I am totally not convinced by what Donald Trump has been doing is for this country and for our people. Ridiculously, he has made a lot of noises about Obama’s birth certificate, nothing to do with current critical issues facing this country such as crazy budge deficit, jobs, economy, healthcare, social security, wars and American credibility worldwide. 

In fact, I was hoping that Donald Trump can jump on the wagon of the GOP president campaign. I wanted to fight with him. I have two web sites almost ready to speed up his failure (not success) for the campaign. The domain names of the two sites are:



(side note: I have another site for Sarah Palin, NOTSARAH.COM, and one for Obama, GOBAMA.US)

I strongly believe that politics and technology has been tied unprecedentedly together. Just looked at the facts how Obama was successfully elected and how the Egypt Mubarak regime collapsed. There are huge momentum from technology such as google search, facebook, twitter, youtube, etc to push the political movement. It is so unbelievable.

Donald Trump: let’s wrestle each other. You do your president campaign; I do my two web sites to stop you from being our next president! And let’s see who will lose!

I dislike Donald Trump not from my Democratic or Republican position. It is just purely from the fact what he is doing NOT in the best interest of this country and our people. In addition, I believe that he is a very mediocre business man, not really entrepreneurial (he inherited fortune from his father), neither innovative. However, I have to admit that he is rather good in making noises for his celebrity.

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